Yoichi is a bold and distinctive single malt whisky traditionally distilled and matured at the Yoichi distillery in Hokkaido, birthplace of Nikka Whisky. Their signature expression is distinguished by its...
In the heart of a preserved natural setting, the MIYAGIKYO distillery in Japan combines expertise and modernity in a constant search for finesse and elegance. Smooth and delicious, light yet...
This Chivas Extra 13 Blended Scotch Whisky selectively finished* in American Rye Casks is inspired by the Chivas brothers’ 13 King Street Emporium in Aberdeen, where they imported different spirits,...
The Naarangi is a very intriguing, inventive release from the Amrut distillers in India. Using casks which previously held a combination of oloroso Sherry, matured wine and orange peel for...
Teeling Blackpitts is the first peated single malt from the team in Dublin, named after the Blackpitts area just behind the distillery, which just happened to be rather well-known for...
Amrut is the first single malt whisky to be made in India, Amrut is a Sanskrit word which can be translated as "nectar of the gods", "nectar of life", or...
The second edition of Teeling Wonders of Wood Series II is fully matured in Virgin Portuguese Oak casks. Portuguese oak is native to the Iberian Peninsula and has a higher...
A classic Highland dram, Aberfeldy 12 Year Old single malt whisky is a creamy, sweet and gently smoky example of what the region produces. Bolstered by plenty of Aberfeldy's signature...